Terms of Sales


1.1 Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. (hereinafter Kaishen) offers its Clients (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Members" or individually "Member") private concierge services as part of a contract called "Subscription", the characteristics of which are defined in Article IV hereof. In this context, it puts its Members in contact, as an intermediary, with product suppliers or partner service providers (hereinafter referred to as "Partners"). These General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use which define the rights and obligations of Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. and its Members apply to all Subscriptions, regardless of the formula chosen, subject to their specific characteristics.
1.2 In accordance with the regulations in force, these General Conditions of Sale and Use are systematically communicated to all Members when they join, or at any time on simple request, or during any modification.


2.1 The private concierge services provided by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. are reserved for the Member and his/her spouse.
The Member must be at least 18 years old and have the legal capacity to contract in order to accept these General Conditions of Sale and Use.
2.2 Any registration, request or order placed, directly or indirectly, by any medium whatsoever (telephone; mail; e-mail; instant messaging such as WhatsApp) with the concierge services operated by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. .implies the unreserved acceptance of these General Conditions of Sale and Use which prevail over all other conditions, with the exception of those which have been expressly accepted by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc.
2.3.1 The telephone number(s) communicated when subscribing to one of the Subscription formulas offered by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. are considered as belonging to the Member having subscribed to said Subscription or to the one of the persons who have been authorized by the Member to represent him – either at the time of subscription, or by a subsequent written act. By way of exception, if the Member sends a request using a telephone number other than the one notified under the aforementioned conditions in this paragraph, and this request is processed by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc., then this telephone number is also considered as belonging to the Member with all legal consequences set out below. Similarly, the e-mail address(es) communicated when subscribing to one of the Subscription formulas offered by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. allow(s) to authenticate the identity of its holder and user as the Member having subscribed to the said formula.
2.3.2 Consequently, the telephone number(s) and email address(es) communicated to Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. under the conditions set out in point 2.3.1 herein, from which all requests originate , orders and acceptances is/are considered as authenticating the identity of its holder and user whatever the medium used (telephone calls, SMS, instant messages, etc.), without possible dispute on the part of the Member, except in the case of loss or theft and in the following terms. The Member agrees to inform Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc., as soon as possible, of any theft or loss of mobile phone related to the telephone number(s) communicated during subscription. to the subscription. This communication must be accompanied by a declaration of loss or a declaration of theft made to the competent authorities. Similarly, any hacking of the Member's mailbox(es) must be reported without delay to Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc..
2.4 Each Member is responsible for his Subscription, which is strictly personal to him, and must take all necessary measures to ensure that no one other than himself or his spouse uses it on his behalf. By way of exception, when subscribing to one of the Subscription formulas or by subsequent written act, the Member may expressly authorize a third party to use his Subscription in his name and on his behalf, subject to the acceptance of this agent by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. The benefit of an order placed with Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. is reserved for the Member and cannot therefore be transferred to the benefit of a third party without the prior and express agreement of Kaishen. Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc., and if applicable, the Partner. 


3.1 Subscription requests are subject to prior acceptance by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc.. Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. reserves the right to refuse a Subscription request for just cause under the terms of the article L122-1 of the consumer code. Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. undertakes to notify the Member of the acceptance of his Subscription within 48 working hours following his request. 
3.2 Each Member undertakes to provide Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc., at the time of joining, with accurate information. Any missing information is likely to delay the validation of membership. Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. cannot be held responsible for the consequences of any incomplete, erroneous or misleading information communicated by the Member. Each Member must communicate to Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc., voluntarily and spontaneously and as soon as possible, any change in their personal data.


Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. offers 3 subscription packages for businesses and 3 subscription packages for individuals.
4.1 Formulas intended for individuals: Subscription to the "Platinium 1 year" offer entitles you, for one year, from its effective date, to unlimited access to the private concierge services of Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, excluding public holidays. It also allows you to benefit from a dedicated Concierge and to take advantage of exclusive invitations from Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc.. The dedicated Concierge can come to the Member's office and/or home to discuss a important project, organize a dream trip or an exceptional event or more generally discuss service proposals, and this in an unlimited way. The “Platinium 1 year” offer is linked to a 12-month commitment and is invoiced at €13,900 including tax. Subscription to the "7-day Trip" offer entitles you, for a period of 7 days, from its effective date, to unlimited access to the private concierge services of Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, excluding public holidays. It also allows you to benefit from an experienced member of the Kaishen team to discuss service proposals, in an unlimited manner. The “7-day trip” offer is invoiced at €700 including tax. Subscription to the "Express 1 day" offer entitles you, for a period of 1 day, from its effective date, to a selection of 10 private concierge services from Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, excluding public holidays. The “Express 1” offer is invoiced at €150 including tax.
4.2 A Corporate subscription formula reserved for Professionals is the subject of a specific contract. 3 formulas are offered by Kaishen under the headings “Offshore Offer”, “Free-Zone Offer” and “Start-Up Offer”.
4.3 Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. reserves the right to periodically revise the above rates subject to informing its Members. In this case, a notification by e-mail will be sent to Members 3 months before the entry into force of the new tariff.
4.4 The Subscription must be paid in one go, upon joining, then each year on the anniversary date. Upon effective receipt of the payment, Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. will inform the Member by email of the effective date of his Subscription.
4.5 Subscriptions give access to the services of Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. and do not in any way constitute the entire remuneration thereof.
The Member is informed that Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. is also remunerated by commissions as a business provider to the Service Providers and cannot claim in any capacity whatsoever and in any form whatsoever the benefit from these commissions. On the other hand, the Member benefits whenever possible from all the advantages negotiated by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. with its Partners and reserved solely for its Members, such as hotel upgrades, free breakfasts, freebies and reductions in wellness and fitness centers, VIP reception, etc.


5.1 As soon as their Subscription takes effect, the Member may send their requests by any means (telephone, sms, fax, instant messaging using the telephone number(s) and/or email address(es) provided when subscribing. of the Subscription by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc., etc.), under the conditions set out in article 2.3.1 hereof.
The requests thus transmitted by the Member will be handled by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. in its capacity as intermediary between the Member and the Partners. The services are provided by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. in the name and on behalf of the Member with the Partners within the framework of a mandate given by the Member to Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. The mandate given to Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. is validated by the Member's acceptance of these General Conditions of Sale and Use, and applies to requests made to Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. by the Member and executed within the framework and according to the terms and conditions provided herein.
5.2 Any service request (such as jewelry purchases, car rental and/or purchases, boat and/or private jet, long hotel stays, private chef at home, moving, vacation package, etc.) will be the subject of a estimate submitted to the Member for approval, with the exception of dry transport services (taxis, private drivers, train, airliner). However, the Member may, at any time, ask Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. for the amount of the service, whatever it may be. The expenses incurred with the various Partners are made in the name and on behalf of the Member.
5.3 Any request and any acceptance made by the Member by any electronic means (telephone call, sms, fax, instant messaging such as WhatsApp or Telegram, e-mail, etc.) using the telephone number(s) or e-mail addresses communicated during of the subscription to one of the Subscription formulas offered by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc., under the conditions specified in article 2.3.1 hereof, have the same probative force as the writing on paper in the meaning of article 1366 of the Civil Code. 
5.4 Requests forwarded to Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. must comply with the legal and ethical framework. Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. reserves the right not to respond to any request of an illegal nature or of a character contrary to law, morality and probity. Access to concierge products and services may be subject to restrictions with respect to certain persons or in certain countries. Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. will not process any request in violation of the law in force in the country of execution.
5.5 Requests involving services or billings greater than €100 will only be definitively taken into account after written or oral acceptance by the Member at the request of Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. The Member therefore expressly accepts that electronic documents (telephone, sms, fax, instant messaging using the number(s) provided when subscribing to one of the Subscription plans offered by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc.; emails, etc. under the conditions specified in article 2.3.1 hereof can serve as proof of its acceptance, within the meaning of article 1366 of the Civil Code.
5.6 Orders placed with Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. are subject to availability with Partners. In case of unavailability of a service, Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. undertakes to provide its best efforts to offer an equivalent service. In the event of non-acceptance by the Member of the equivalent service proposal, Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. will proceed with the outright cancellation of the request, without the Member being able to claim any compensation of any kind whatsoever. either in this capacity.
5.7 Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. will communicate with Partners on behalf of the Member.
5.8 Thanks to his Subscription, the Member has access to a large number of advantages and benefits negotiated with the Partners selected by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc.. The Partners are however free to modify their conditions at any time. and Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. cannot be held responsible for any changes made.


6.1 Products and services acquired from Partners will be invoiced directly to the Member by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. The Member may request and authorize Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. to use his payment card remotely in order to proceed with the direct payment for a product or service from a Partner. By communicating the information relating to his credit card, the Member authorizes the Service Provider to debit his credit card for the amount corresponding to the price validated beforehand. To this end, the Member confirms that he is the holder of the bank card to be debited and that the name appearing on the bank card is indeed his. The Member undertakes to take all necessary measures with his Bank(s). , in order to add Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. to a list of trusted beneficiaries, as provided for in Article 13 of Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 2018/389 of the European Commission of November 27, 2017.
6.2 Validation by the Member - or by one of the persons authorized by the latter - carried out by any means (telephone, sms, fax, instant messaging using the telephone number(s) provided when subscribing to one of the formulas offered by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc., e-mails using the e-mail address(es) communicated when subscribing to the Subscription by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc.; etc. under the conditions specified in article 2.3 hereof) – of the proposal sent by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. in response to its request constitutes acceptance of the debit on the Member's payment card of the amount of the order. The Member must ensure that the details of his payment card are correct and that he has the funds available in his bank account for the purpose of providing payment for the services and/or products ordered. In the event that the debit of the price is impossible, the sale will be immediately resolved automatically and the order cancelled.
6.3 Upon validation of the order, the Member undertakes to pay for the services and/or the products ordered upon receipt of the corresponding invoice. In the event of late payment, Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. cannot be held responsible for changes in the availability and prices of the products and/or services ordered.
6.4 In the event of late payment, penalties may be applied, either by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc., or by the Partner concerned on the basis of its own general conditions of sale and use.
6.5 In the event that Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. is required to advance the payment of an order for services or products, whatever they may be, and for any reason whatsoever, in the name and on behalf of of one of its Members, additional costs (corresponding to bank charges, credit card charges, insurance, management fees, processing fees) will be applied to the amount of the order excluding tax. The Member undertakes to reimburse Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc., on first request, for the amount of the order and the costs thus incurred. The Member may request at any time the amount of the fees charged to him.
6.6 In the event of non-payment of the Subscription and/or any other invoice on the agreed due dates, Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. is entitled to send the Member a letter of formal notice to pay within 8 days from the first presentation of the registered mail with request for acknowledgment of receipt. If, despite this formal notice, the Member does not pay his Subscription and/or his invoice, Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. may then terminate the Subscription without further formality. This termination may not give rise to any request for reimbursement or payment of any compensation for the benefit of the outgoing Member. The Subscription to Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. services will be suspended from the 9th day following the formal notice, in the absence of payment by the Member. Consequently, the Member will no longer have access to the services of Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. until full payment of his Subscription. Unpaid invoices remain due in full and Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. reserves the right to sue the Member by any legal means to obtain their payment with due payment as a penalty of compensation equal to 15 % of the sums due , in addition to legal interest and any legal costs.
6.7 In the event of non-use of the services linked to a Subscription, no reimbursement of the latter may be requested.


7.1 Shopping: Upon request of the Member, Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. may make purchases on its behalf. In this case, race costs as well as shipping costs will be applied.
7.2 Restaurants and Clubs: For certain club and restaurant reservations, the Member authorizes Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. to use his payment card to guarantee the reservations.
7.3 Ticketing: Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. undertakes to implement its best means in order to satisfy the Member's requests for tickets for all events with its Partners. In the event that the event is sold out in the traditional ticket offices, Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. may call on specialized service providers. Consequently, the prices offered are likely to change at any time and be different from the face value mentioned on the tickets due to the increase linked to agency, management and/or administrative fees. Any confirmed booking request is firm and definitive. Consequently, reserved seats cannot be cancelled, postponed, modified, exchanged or refunded.
The Member is required to check the date and time of the show or event, as the producer or organizer may change them without notice. Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. is not responsible for lost or misdirected tickets. Similarly, Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for the cancellation or postponement of a show or event. In the event of cancellation or postponement by the artist, producer or organizer, whatever the circumstances, Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. can only be held liable for reimbursement of the face value of the tickets, subject to obtaining reimbursement from the producer or organizer.
7.4 Taxis/Private Drivers: In the event of the Member's absence from the meeting scheduled at the time of the order and more generally if the taxi or private driver does not charge for the trip due to the Member ("non-charge"), the latter will be liable for the amount of the trip unless better agreement obtained by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. from the Partner.


8.1 Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. undertakes to respond to requests made by the Member, whatever they may be, in a minimum of time and to provide him with advice in connection therewith.
8.2 Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. acts as an intermediary and is responsible for representing the Member with the Partners.
8.3 By the very nature of its business, Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. is bound by an obligation of means and not of results.


9.1 The Member acknowledges and accepts that Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. acts according to the requests as they are expressed in the requests that it transmits.
Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. cannot therefore be held liable in the event of an error of which the Member is, in any way whatsoever, at the origin.
Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. takes the greatest care in choosing and selecting its Partners. However, it cannot be held responsible for the actions of a Partner. Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. is authorized to cancel or refuse orders from a Member with whom there is a dispute.
9.2 Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. acting as an intermediary bound by an obligation of means, it cannot incur, whatever the reason, any compensation of any kind whatsoever, relating to the products or services ordered for account of its Members. Consequently, any request for compensation or any other request for repair relating to the product or service ordered through Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. must be addressed to the Partner in question, who will study its merits and assume the responsibility. responsibility. However, Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. will provide help and assistance to the Member(s) in the context of their relationship with the Partner.
Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. cannot be held responsible for the non-performance of its obligations in the event of force majeure (disruptions, transport, communications or postal services strike, flood, fire or computer failure, pandemic, etc. ) as defined by the Civil Code and the courts.
9.3 Given its status as an intermediary, Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. cannot be held liable for the total or partial non-performance of the services ordered in the name and on behalf of the Member from the Partners. In addition, Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. cannot guarantee, in accordance with legal provisions, the Member, against any lack of conformity of the goods and any hidden defect, resulting from a defect in the design or production of the goods supplied by a Partner and rendering them unfit for the use for which they were intended. In the event of a claim of any nature whatsoever, the Member must contact the Partners concerned directly.
9.4 The liability of Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. shall in any event be limited to the amount of the Services Subscription at the time of the dispute.
9.5 In the event of non-compliance with these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use, the Member may be held liable.


10.1. When the combination of travel services offered to the Member is a package within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2015/2302, he will benefit from all the rights granted by the European Union applicable to packages. Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. will be fully responsible for the proper execution of the package as a whole. In addition, as required by law, Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. has protection in place to reimburse the Member's payments and, if transportation is included in the package, to ensure his repatriation in the event that he would become insolvent.
Essential rights provided for by Directive (EU) 2015/2302:
– Travelers will receive all essential information about the package before concluding the package travel contract.
– There is always at least one professional who is responsible for the proper performance of all travel services included in the contract.
– Travelers are provided with an emergency telephone number or the details of a point of contact allowing them to reach the organizer or the travel agent.
– Travelers may transfer their package to another person, subject to reasonable notice and possibly subject to paying additional fees.
– The price of the package can only be increased if specific costs increase (for example, fuel prices) and if this possibility is explicitly provided for in the contract, and in any case cannot be modified less than twenty days before the start of the package. If the price increase exceeds 8 % of the price of the package, the traveler can terminate the contract. If the organizer reserves the right to increase the price, the traveler is entitled to a price reduction in the event of a decrease in the corresponding costs.
– Travelers can terminate the contract without paying termination fees and be fully reimbursed for payments made if any of the essential elements of the package, other than the price, undergo a material change. If, before the start of the package, the professional responsible for the package cancels it, travelers can obtain reimbursement and compensation, if applicable.
– Travelers can terminate the contract without paying a termination fee before the start of the package in the event of exceptional circumstances, for example if there are serious security problems at the destination which are likely to affect the package. Furthermore, travelers may, at any time before the start of the package, terminate the contract upon payment of an appropriate and justifiable termination fee. If, after the start of the package, significant elements of the package cannot be provided as planned, other appropriate services must be offered to travellers, at no additional cost.
– Travelers can terminate the contract without paying termination fees when the services are not performed in accordance with the contract, this significantly disrupts the performance of the package and the organizer does not remedy the problem.
– Travelers are also entitled to a price reduction and/or compensation in the event of non-performance or poor performance of travel services.
– The organizer must provide assistance if the traveler is in difficulty. If the organizer or, in certain Member States, the retailer becomes insolvent, the amounts paid will be reimbursed. If the organizer or, where applicable, the retailer becomes insolvent after the start of the package and transport is included in the package, the repatriation of travelers is guaranteed. (To consult the transposition text of Directive 2015/2302: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000036240465&categorieLien=id) 
10.2. If, after choosing and paying for a travel service, the Member books additional travel services for their trip or vacation stay through Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc., they will NOT enjoy the rights applicable to packages under Directive (EU) 2015/2302. Therefore, Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. will not be responsible for the proper performance of individual travel services. In the event of a problem, the Member may contact the service provider concerned. However, if the Member books additional travel services during the same visit or contact with Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc., the travel services will be part of a linked travel arrangement. In this case, Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. has, as required by European Union law, protection in order to reimburse the sums that the Member has paid to it for services which have not been executed due to its insolvency. Please note that there is no provision for reimbursement in the event of the insolvency of the service provider concerned. Travelers may contact this entity or, where applicable, the relevant authority if travel services are denied to them due to the insolvency of Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc.. This insolvency protection does not does not apply to contracts entered into with parties other than Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. which may be performed despite its insolvency.


The data collected at the time of registration – such as surname, first name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and bank details – are kept with the authorization of the Member and will be processed in compliance with the provisions of this article and of the applicable legislation in this field. Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. undertakes to scrupulously respect the trust placed in it by its Members and to guarantee strict confidentiality of the information, details and data to which it has access in the exercise of its mandate. In correlation with its ethics and professional conduct, Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. protects the personal information that its Members may be required to communicate to it as part of their Subscription. In accordance with legal obligations, Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. retains this information under legal conditions. The personal information collected will be kept for as long as necessary until the end of the term of the Subscription taken out by the Member, unless: a) a longer retention period is authorized or imposed by a legal or regulatory provision; b) the Member has exercised one of the rights granted to him by law. In all cases, the Member's personal data will be kept for a period that cannot exceed 12 months from the end date of the last Subscription taken out by the Member. Access to Members' personal data is strictly limited to Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. personnel authorized to process them by reason of their duties. Personal data is only used for the purposes for which the Members communicated it. The use of this personal information is reserved for strictly internal use (management of orders, delivery, invoicing, monitoring of solvency as well as all internal marketing studies and personalized advertising). Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. undertakes not to sell, rent, assign or give access to third parties to the data without the Member's prior consent, unless forced to do so for a legitimate reason constituted by a legal or judicial constraint (legal obligation, fight against fraud or abuse, exercise of the rights of defence, etc.).
However, the Member authorizes Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. to share his personal information with the Partners of Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. if this is necessary for the management of orders, delivery, invoicing, solvency monitoring as well as all internal marketing studies and personalized advertising. In the event of exercise, on the part of the Member, of his right of access, rectification, erasure, limitation, portability or opposition to the processing of his data for a legitimate reason, this will be notified to the Partners. concerned. Members have a right of access, rectification, erasure, limitation and portability, as well as a right to oppose the processing of this data for a legitimate reason. These rights may be exercised by Members, proving their identity, by one of the following means:
– by writing to the following address: Natural Products DWC-LLC – Business Center Logistics city
Dubai Aviation City – PObox: 390667 Dubai UAE;
For any additional information or complaint, Members may contact the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés. 


The Subscription has a duration of 12 months and is automatically renewed on each anniversary date of the Subscription for a period of one year, until the Member terminates the Subscription. The Member already accepts that in the event of tacit renewal of his membership, this will take place under the conditions in force on the date of expiry of this contract, except for special offers.
By accepting the tacit renewal of his Subscription, the Member authorizes Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. to debit the amount of the new Subscription from the Member's account. 


13.1 The Member has a period of fourteen (14) clear days to exercise his right of withdrawal from Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc., starting the day after the Member receives confirmation of the effective date of his Subscription by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc..
When the fourteen (14) day period expires on a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday or non-working day, it is extended until the first following working day. Exercising the right of withdrawal does not need to be reasoned and does not entail any costs, except where applicable the costs of returning the documents and material elements (box, card, brochure), already sent by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. This waiver will result in the reimbursement of the Subscription which would have already been paid by the Member.
13.2 Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. may cancel or suspend a Subscription on its own initiative, without prior notice, when the Member breaches one or more of these general conditions of sale and use or misuses or fraudulent the Subscription, or adopts behavior prejudicial to the interests of Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. such as the falsification of the information transmitted to Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. or to the Partners. In this case, Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. reserves the right to refund or not to the Member pro rata temporis the amount of the unused Subscription or, if applicable, to suspend the monthly direct debits. No compensation can be demanded of him.


Each of the parties may terminate the Subscription, on the anniversary due date, and as of right, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, subject to 30 days' notice. However, if the Member terminates the Subscription under these conditions, after the start of the organization of the service, it is expressly agreed between the parties that the Customer agrees to pay for the service.
The parties will have the possibility of automatically terminating the Contract in the event that the other party does not respect its contractual obligations, 15 days after sending a formal notice sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the defaulting party. , seeking violation, and had no effect.


Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. reserves the right to sue anyone who insults or defames it. Any allegation or imputation of a fact that would undermine the honor or consideration of the agency Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc., whether made directly or by reproduction, is liable to prosecution.


16.1 The Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. brand, as well as all figurative or non-figurative brands and more generally all other brands, illustrations, images and logotypes used in relations with the Member, whether they whether registered or not, are and will remain the exclusive property of Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc.. Any total or partial reproduction, modification or use of these trademarks, illustrations, images and logotypes, for any reason and on any medium whatsoever , without the express prior consent of Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc., is strictly prohibited. The same applies to any combination or conjunction with any other brand, symbol, logotype and more generally any distinctive sign intended to form a composite logo. The same applies to all copyrights, designs, models and patents which are the property of Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc..
16.2 The Member agrees to make personal and non-commercial use of the information contained in the documents and the website distributed by Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc..


17.1 The law applicable to the contractual relations between Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. and its Members is the Law of the United Arab Emirates exclusively. 
17.2 In the event of a dispute, the Member and Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. will endeavor in good faith to find an amicable solution. Failing amicable resolution, any dispute concerning the validity, interpretation or execution of these General Conditions of Sale and Use will be submitted to the courts of the United Arab Emirates, to which exclusive jurisdiction is expressly attributed.


18.1 These General Conditions of Sale and Use are expressly approved and accepted by the Member, who declares and acknowledges having perfect knowledge of them, and therefore waives the right to rely on any contradictory document and, in particular, his own general conditions of purchase, which will be unenforceable against the Service Provider, even if he is aware of them.
18.2 Any abstention on the part of Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. to avail itself of a clause of these General Conditions of Sale and Use can in no way be considered as an implicit waiver of this clause.
18.3 The fact that one of the provisions of these General Conditions of Sale and Use becomes null, unenforceable, lapsed, illegal or inapplicable cannot, in any case, call into question the validity of the other provisions.
18.4 Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. reserves the right to adapt or modify these General Conditions of Sale and Use at any time. In this case, it will inform the Members of this with 3 months' notice.


Kaishen Corporate & Premium Concierge Services Inc. offers you to electronically sign the subscription documents of these General Conditions of Sale and Use as well as the subscription contract. Documents signed electronically have the same legal value as a document signed on paper.


Kaishen Corporate & Premium agency is a brand of Natural Products DWC-LLC – Business Center Logistics city – Dubai Aviation City – PObox: 390667 Dubai UAE